Sunday 3 October 2010

VARK questionnaire

Having taken the VARK questionnaire it revealed that i am a strategic learner.  On the whole i agree with the statement about my approach to learning, however i am not surprised by this.  I do feel that i can see a part of myself fitting into deep, strategic and surface approach respectively in one way or another though, for this reason i do not think that i have a least favourite method of learning, i tend to feel that i will always just get on with the task with whatever approach gets the job done.  Maybe this approach could be looked at in a way that could make my learning a little more effective.  I do set myself high standards so anything that can raise the bar so to speak would be beneficial to myself, for instance, i sometimes switch off and become distracted to easily whilst studying at home.  With regards to the deep approach to learning, sometimes if i find a particular area within a subject interesting, i tend to go a little to in depth than is required just to satisfy my own interests.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection. I personally like to raise the bar and try to stretch myself, to go deeper into a subject.That way the basics become easier, im my opinion.
